Rowan’s board “Fish Eye” (pictured below) is a unique mix of hand-crafted wood and painted board.  You can bid online for a limited time (November 1st through 10th) by visiting us HERE, or bid through the live Surfboard Art Festival Auction and Gala event on November 29th.  For more information click HERE.  His art piece is on exhibit at Fiona Bleu Gallery on the Embarcadero in Morro Bay.

About the Artist:

Born in Bolinas, California in 1972, at age two relocated to northern San Luis Obispo County. Here I had unlimited open space to explore. Raised in a truly alternative fashion I had freedom to sleep under the stars, build dams in creeks, and create forts that resembled primitive houses. Woodworking had a big presence in my home ranging from boat building to musical instruments. Tools and material were always available for fabrication and invention. I feel a very strong connection to the geography and coastline of San Luis Obispo County and if I had to pick my most inspirational influence that would be it. My artwork whether paintings, sculpture, or other mediums have a common intensity that I attribute to my relationship with the area. Mostly self taught, my paintings range from fluid abstract to more structured sea and landscapes. In virtually all of my paintings you will see composition with vivid colors and high contrast. The process of creating is exciting and I enjoy overcoming challenges that arise along the way. When I finish a piece it is rewarding to have satisfaction in my work. I live in Morro Bay with my dog and two children and Artwork continues to flow freely.

You can view some of Rowan’s artwork by visiting:
