All hands on deck! Come one, come all to what might be the weediest pocket park on the planet that almost nobody knows exists. It's Mariner Park, across the street from 456 Embarcadero Inn & Suites and sandwiched between Estero Inn and Associated Pacific Constructors. Your presence will be an early birthday present and I, in […]
You are invited to socially garden at 695 Harbor Street (across the street from our downtown fire station). Shout out to I [Heart} MB Project 4 Team! We're hoping to prepare the next piece of your local native plant pollinator garden at this location! Wear your vests and enjoy the behind-the-scenes, backstage experience of Morro Bay in Bloom!
You are invited to garden socially at Centennial Parkway (the outdoor chess board plaza at the waterfront). I'm hoping, at the very least, to have purchased plants that would be installed at the peace garden. The plaza could use more warm color, too.
Monthly coffee date for downtown planter box and planted container volunteers. News, fun and swag for Morro Bay's gardening royalty who make the downtown core a cheerful, welcoming place to shop! Where else can you get unlimited plant purchasing privileges at Miner's Ace Hardware and Garden Center to support your creative self-expression, a personal gardening coach […]
You are invited to garden socially at the corner of Beach and Front Streets and environs. Wednesday also marks the weekly irrigation of juvenile street trees. If you have a truck and would like to help, please be in touch at [email protected]. We are grateful to be a trusted partner of our city's dedicated Public Works Maintenance Division […]
You are invited to garden socially at the ten planting beds of the Morro Bay Boulevard Roundabout complex. The massive bloom of white roses in the traffic circle is fading so deadhead we must. Gardening Yoda says: "There is no try. There is only do."